One fine evening, my 7 years old April, coming back home and telling me, her Moral teacher brought them 优顿草 and let them taste. According to her Moral teacher, this plant is good for curing cancer (cancer patients) and preventing cancer (healthy people). Her Moral teacher encouraged them to spread this information to parents.
April retained this information well. She kept telling me and her dad how good is 优顿草 again and again. She also said one of her classmates has 优顿草 in his house garden. This boy was going to pluck some for those who are interested to plant it.
On the next day, April really brought one tiny grass back from school. When my husband took a closer look at the grass, it resembles the grass which my next door neighbour planted in his garden.
When chatting with my neighbour, I enquired her the usage and benefits of the grass. She confirmed that what April's Moral teacher said is right. It was very kind of her to give me this whole pail of 优顿草.
Being a juice lover, my husband and I have no problem at all in taking this 优顿草. We put in 10 leaves (this number is only meant for maintaining health, cancer patients need more, please refer to the link below this entry) with 4 small green apples, and juiced them together. It tasted fine for us. April who has full trust in her Moral teacher, taking the juice without any problem.
My 5 years old, May too, showed no fuss when taking 优顿草with green apple. Since 优顿草 is quite cooling, it is not advisable to take it with empty stomach. I let them take it after their meal.
Out of curiosity, and I wanted to know more about this grass. I have been googled information on it for the past few days. I get to know 优顿草 can also control High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid and Diabetes.
If you are interested to know more about the real life story and experience after taking 优顿草/Clinathanus/Sabah Snake Grass, you can read the article in English, and the news and link in Mandarin.
My husband has planted stems from the grass, which April took back and also my neigbour gave me in our garden.