Monday, May 20, 2013

Clinacanthus Nutans, Sabah Snake Grass, 'you dun cao', 憂遁草, 优遁草, 沙巴蛇草, 青箭, Belalai gajah, U-turn grass

Clinacanthus Nutans, Sabah Snake Grass, 'you dun cao', 憂遁草, 优遁草, 沙巴蛇草, 青箭, Belalai gajah, U-turn grass, etc.

Traditionally, C. nutans has been used as herb in many Asian countries to treat different diseases and symptoms.

In China, the whole plant is used in various manners to treat inflammatory conditions like haematoma (localized collection of blood outside the blood vessels), contusion, strains and sprains of injuries and rheumatism. Chinese healers also consider the plant as effective in regulating mentrual function, relieving pain, anaemia, jaundice and setting of fractured bones.

In Thailand, the plant is used by traditional healers to treat snake venom, scorpion bites, nettle rash, fever and dysentery.

In Indonesia, C. nutans is used by traditional healers to treat dysentery, diabetes and dysuria.

In Malaysia, C. nutans has been traditionally used for detox and to treat inflammatory conditions.

In recent years, the C. nutans has been widely sought in Malaysia and has been continuously gaining interest from Singaporeans and Indonesians as an alternative treatment to various cancer diseases following a local newspaper report in year 2008 on a 56-year old stage 4 lymphatic cancer patient, who was diagnosed with only 3 months to live, but had managed to live on by consuming C. nutans (blended the plant leaves with green apples and drank the juice) every morning after breakfast. It was reported that within 3 days after consuming the C. nutans juice, the 6 tumors had shrank and after 13 days, he was cleared by the oncologist. The news had gone viral in the internet.

Although there have been numbers of reportedly positive cases and sharing of C. nutans as alternative cancer treatment, to date there are no clinical data on the medical effect of C. nutans for cancer treatment.

优遁草的科学名称是Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau。在民间它被俗称为不同的名字:

Clinacanthus Nutans, Sabah Snake Grass, 'you dun cao', 憂遁草, 优遁草, 沙巴蛇草, 青箭, Belalai gajah, U-turn grass.






